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A Guide On How to Choose A Dog

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Choosing A Dog Basics

@hannitary via Twenty20


The following are some points that should be considered when making this very important choice:

The Basics

If the decision involves getting a puppy as opposed to be mature animal, the individual must make sure all the supporting elements are in place before the puppy is brought into the existing family unit. Some of the things to consider would be if such an addition is needed in the first place, then there should be health considerations to be looked into such as allergies.

Other considerations may include the availability of space and adequate facilities for the puppy and if there is enough room and finances to accommodate such needs.

There are also licensing issues to consider as the authorities usually look into such violations quite strictly.

Adding a mature animal to the existing unit is also something that cannot be taken lightly, as the temperament of the existing unit and the animal have to be compatible.

Without this compatibility both sides are bound to encounter problems and the animal would most likely be the one that suffers the most.

Then there is also the need to do an adequate amount of research if the decision is made to acquire a purebred animal. The complications here can be considerable and the cost to acquire such an animal will be high. The upkeep of such dogs is also very costly as they often require specifically designed care and food.

Adopting a dog from an animal shelter for some is the most humane choice to make and this is of course welcomed by both the animal and the shelter.

Most organizations encourage this and there are often periodical campaigns launched to get the public to consider adopting these animals.

Utilize Your Vets Knowledge


Getting the advice of a vet when considering the purchase of a pet is very useful as the vet will be able to point out various issues that will affect both pet and the individual in ways often not considered. Therefore getting some guidance from someone like a vet will help to give the individual a better perspective on the overall needs, problems, sometimes inconveniences and requirements of owing a pet.

The Vet

Perhaps the most important advice that the vet is more likely to impart would be that on the cost involved in having a pet. Besides the additional food needs, there are also a host of other costs that would be required and this might burden the individual if this scenario is not anticipated and factored into the equation.

Most people are really not fully aware of all the various costs that are usually incurred when having a pet. These may include vaccines, deworming, flea treatment, neutering, and any medical fees that may be incurred when the animal is unwell.

The vet will also be able to help the individual decide on the most suitable type to pet to acquire that would most suit the individual’s lifestyle and living conditions.

This is important and often not considered by the individual interested in having a pet, especially if the intended choice is a puppy.

The individual will not be adequately informed or be prepared for the requirements needed when the said puppy eventually grows into a mature animal.

There are a lot of animals that look cute, especially when they are puppies but require a lot of upkeep as they age, and without the vet’s

helpful advice the individual may not be prepared to adapt to such changes.

Most well meaning vets will also encourage the individual to get a pet from a shelter especially if the individual is not prepared to look after the delicate needs of a puppy. In most cases this would seem like a better option for the individual especially if there are no children in the equation to consider.

Think About Your Daily Routine


For those who are considering adding a pet to the current family unit or as a companion for a couple or a single person, thinking about how this addition is going to fit into the current daily routine scenario is very important.

A lot of people fail to take into serious consideration, how a pet will affect their lives, especially if the individual is getting the pet to pacify the needs of a child.

Children will often promise to be totally committed to looking after the pet, but this usually ends up being the adult’s burden once the child’s initial excitement wears off.

Then the adult will have to pick up the slack, left behind by the child and this could be something that would be both inconvenient and a nuisance.

Think About It

There are also instances where having a pet would just not be feasible or workable, as the individual may have a schedule that requires a lot of travelling.

If this is the case then alternatives would have to be arranged, where the pet can be taken care of in the same committed fashion as the owner, and this is often very hard to find or arrange. This would not only cause distress to the owner of the pet, but would also cause distress to the pet itself.

Other elements to consider would be the need to consider if the pet would be left alone a large part of the time, thus constituting to neglect and emotional trauma for the pet.

Most people should be made to understand that pets have feelings too, and these feelings should be taken in serious consideration if the pet is going to live a healthy and problem free life.

Failing to consider this would not only cost the pet its mental and physical wellbeing, but would also be costly for the owner when the services of a vet have to be frequently sought.

Think About Your Surroundings


The surroundings the pet is going to be positioned into is important to the eventual metal and physical well being of the animal. Therefore some informed decisions should be made, to accommodate such needs before the animal is purchased.

The Environment

The following are some of the elements to consider about the surroundings the pet is eventually going to be exposed to:

Some pets require a of lot of room to move around in and also a large outdoor space where they can run around and enjoy the freedom that animals are supposed to enjoy.

Without such allowances, such pets will eventually develop medical problems that would result in trauma for both the owner and the pet in question.

There is also the unwanted added cost that would be uncured, when there are frequent visits to the vet.

If the pet is going to be confined to an area that is noisy and very busy, this too may not be conducive for the pet. Some pets are able to cope with high levels of activity and noise while others can’t, thus the need to consider the types of breeds suitable for adapting to these kinds of surroundings.

If there are frequent weather changes in the surroundings, the owner of the pet should be able to provide adequate shelter for comfort and safety of the animal.

Failing to consider this and make the necessary arrangements could create problems with the governing law of the area.

This is especially likely if the individual’s implementing the law take their jobs very seriously. The owner could be slapped with fines and sometimes even have the suffering animal taken away.

Other considerations may include having fences put up as precautionary measures to keep the pet inside and away from causing possible harm to others.

Decide The Dogs Purpose


There are several reasons to consider having a dog, but not all the reasons may be good argumentative points to encourage the individual to actually go out and purchase one.

There should be a lot of thought and consideration given to the idea of having a dog featured in the individual’s life before physically making it a reality.

The Purpose

The following are some of the possible reasons that most dog owners consider important and the contributing factors, to eventually making the decision to own a dog:

Among the top reasons for having a dog would be for companionship. Often dogs are regarded as ideal and good companions. This is mainly because of the popular idea that a dog is always happy and willing to spend time with the owner, unlike humans, who often consider their own needs before the needs of others.

A dog is almost always eager and waiting to greet the owner and this is very heartwarming after a hard and long day at work.

Security is another top reason, why most people consider having a dog as a pet. This is especially popular for families and single ladies. The dog is perceived to be able to provide the extra protection needed for the unwanted and unwelcomed intrusions into the lives of the owners.

Most owners find that having a dog minimizes the risks of break-ins and robberies, thus giving them the sense of security needed for mental comfort.

For the elderly and those who are going through traumatic health problems, having a dog often creates the necessary diversion which helps them focus on something else rather than dwell on their own problems.

Studies have shown a phenomenal amount of success when it comes to having dogs as pets for these two categories.

Research The Best Place To Get The Dog


Now that making the decision to actually getting a dog has been made, the next step would be to actually go about physically getting the dog. There are many places where this can be done but some proper research should be done first to ensure the best options are looked into before the final purchase is made.

Where To Go

The following are some of the places that should be considered when getting a dog:

The first consideration should be to approach the nearest animal shelter to view the dogs available and try to find one that would suit the needs of the individual. This is a good idea as it helps the individual fulfill the need to get a dog and also gives the dog a new lease on life and a new home. Most of the dogs face certain euthanization. This sad option can be avoided is the individual considers such places as a good opportunity to get a pet.

There are also animal rescue shelters that can be visited with the same idea in mind. Here a lot of the pets are already trained as they probable come from homes that for some reason could no longer keep them. This is an ideal option to choose from especially if the individual does not have the time to house train the animal.

Pet shops are also another option to look into, however this option is often opposed by animal rights groups and pet lovers, as their perceived and often proven involvement as puppy mills and breeding tactics. Another reason this particular option is not encouraged, is because of the already large availability of animals that need good homes. These should be given priority over those from pet shops, where the main idea is to make money from the sale of the animal.

Make Sure You Are Ready For A Pet


The following are some of the areas that should be considered to ensure the individual is more than ready and prepared for the new addition to the equation:

Make Sure

Preparing a specific area of rest for the pet is important. Doing a little research and shopping for the right items that will provide the necessary comfort for the pet, is essential in getting the pet to accept and get used to the new allotted space.

Getting some appropriate toys and other items that would keep the pet occupied and away from damaging furniture and other household items is also important. If the pet becomes bored, from lack of nothing to do, keeping them distracted is important otherwise; the pets will more likely turn to household objects to satisfy their curiosity and the need to mark out their territory.

Providing the pet with the necessary toilet facilities suitable to the breed will also be an added advantage to consider as this will be much less stressful for both the owner and the pet. The toilet area should be adequate to fulfill the needs of the pet, if this is not possible then the owner should make a serious effort to provide other means of release for the pet.

Having a daily routine that can easily accommodate the participation of the pet is also important to consider, especially if the said pet is kept confined and alone for the better part of the day.

Ensuring an adequate amount of exercise is incorporated into the pet’s daily routine, such as walks, playing ball and other pet friendly activities should be the norm.

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