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Establishing House manners for your dog

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It’s very important that your dog understands its place in the household and behaves properly. For instance, you should be able to greet guests at the door without your dog rushing to get there before you or refusing to let them in.

There are a number of things you can do implement house rules that your pet understands. When you return home at any time of day, do what you need to do first, like taking of your coat and hanging it up or putting the groceries away.

@hamzasm via Twenty20

Do anything at all except go straight to your dog and give him attention. While he is rushing around in excitement at your return and demanding attention, ignore him.

You don’t want to reinforce his notion that he has high status in the household. After a while your dog will get fed up with being ignored and will either find something to do or lie down. AT this point, call him and give him a few minutes of attention.

Rules and Limitations

You have to have the respect of your dog since he lives in your home. Nothing's more unpleasant than an unruly, unmanageable dog.

Here is a list of rules and limitations that must be implemented in a household with dog/s.

  • Humans are higher than the dogs in the hierarchy.
  • If there's more than one dog, let them work out their pack order and respect it.
  • Write the rules down and post them on the refrigerator.
  • Everyone in the household must follow the rules.
  • Don’t let the dogs run through the house or hop on the furniture. They can hurt themselves or unintentionally hurt a family member.
  • Don’t let a dog jump on anyone.
  • No growling, barking, or snarling at family members or guests.
  • A dog is an animal and not your child. They need their humans to treat them like dogs so they don’t get confused.
  • Plan a dog’s every day timetable. Include daily exercise like a walk on a leash around the neighborhood.
  • Socializing is vital. The dog must learn to behave properly around other dogs, people and kids on skateboards.
  • Have a list of commands a dog needs to adhere to: sit, stay, come, and heel, down, leave it, and so on. Make sure each member of the family is aware of these commands and uses them. Use the hand signals that go with the commands.
  • Give a task to each family member. Someone has to walk the dog daily. Another has to keep the dog’s water bowl full.
  • Don’t disregard your dog's bratty behavior; he must follow the rules and can’t boss around family members.

The following are some straightforward rules you can do to keep control and have a well-mannered dog.

  • When your dog is a puppy keep him on a leash whenever he’s out of his crate. This way you can correct any bad behaviors instantaneously.
  • Limit his indoor space. Kiddie gates are helpful.
  • If you adopt an older dog, keep him on a leash for the first month.
  • When your dog is on leash don't let him wander off by himself.
  • Don't let your dog run up and down the stairs, he could hurt himself.
  • Teach your pet the sit/stay command right away.
  • Teach your dog to go to his bed, do a down/stay and not leave his bed until you say so.
  • Crate train your dog and have him sleep in his crate at night.
  • Go out the door first. This straightforward rule conveys to your dog you're in charge.
  • Don't let your dog become aggressive with anyone.
  • Build a dominance position with your dog. That means YOU are the pack leader.
  • Don't shout at or hit your dog.
  • Discover ways to redirect your dog’s bad behaviors into good behaviors.
  • Always leave a training session on a good note. Canines remember how the program ended.

How to Be the Pack Leader

A dog's mother commences training puppies from birth. She makes them wait for food; she regulates when they play and how far they travel. Adult dogs need these same rules, boundaries, and limitations from you, their pack leader when dog training.

A pack leader doesn't project mental or nervous energy, so neither should you. In the wild, the pack leader uses calm-assertive energy to affect how the dog interacts with his environment. He enforces these laws in a quiet way, as is the case when a mother picks up a pup by the scruff of the neck if he strays away from den.

Control of territory is essential. Dogs in the wild claim space by first asserting themselves in a calm and assured way, and then conversing this ownership through clear body language signals and eye contact.

A dog who comprehends that you, as the pack leader, own the space in which he lives will respect your stated expert while dog training.

Waiting is yet another way that pack leaders claim their position. Pups wait to eat, and adult dogs wait until the pack leader needs them to travel. Waiting is a kind of mental work for the dog. Domestication means dogs don’t have to hunt for food, but they still need to “work for it.”

Establish your role as pack leader by asking your pet to work. Take him on a walk prior to feeding him. And just as you don't give devotion unless your dog is in a calm submissive state, don’t give food until your dog behaves calmly and appropriately. Exercise will help the dog, particularly a high-energy one, to accomplish this state.

The true test of authority is understanding your pack. You have to know your pack and what satisfies them. This is what makes the balance. Then creating a dog training plan, establishing an purpose, and doing so is what creates all the more strength in your relationship, relationship, and its depth.

This is what differentiates the true pack leader from the rest.

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